Video Demonstration

Project information

  • Category: Full Stack Programming
  • Client: NSCC
  • Project date: January - April 2020


This school project was created over the course of the final semester of my studies at NSCC as part of my Capstone course. Through the entire semester, I was tasked with building a functioning online store with the PHP Model, View, Controller framework Laravel.

The previous semester, I was tasked with creating a CRUD inventory system using Laravel for the final project in my PHP course (Web application Development I), that would allow for me to be able to create items and categories, while interacting with a MySQL database. My task with this Capstone project was to take that inventory system, and build an online store out of it, taking each of the items that I created and using them as products to be displayed on the store page that could be viewed and interacted with.

This project acts as an online store, all without you actually paying for anything, but rather as a way for me to be able to demonstrate that I can build a full-stack online store application that allows for you to add items into a cart, complete an order, process user information, and generate information such as receipts and order information that are stored within the database once an order is processed.

This application uses the pre-built Laravel authentication system to allow users to register and log in, as they would on any real E-commerce website, and their information is stored in a database. On the database side, I created Models for categories, items, cart items, order information, items sold, and users. I used Laravel's relationship system to allow for each of the models to interact with one another to share information from one database to another.

I also used Laravel's authentication system to restrict certain pages to only authenticated users, such as the item and category management pages, along with the page that would allow for the user to be able to look back at all the orders that have been completed through this application.